📖3. Staff

This section includes: Staff Report for Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube channel, as well as instructions on how to add personnel to a project.

SO9's Employees Analytics provides detailed information about the performance of each employee across the social media channels you manage. This allows you to assess whether your staff is working efficiently or not.

  • For Facebook, the system will show you the number of posts each staff member has pushed to social media pages, as well as the reach, clicks, likes, and comments.

  • For TikTok, the system will provide information on the total views of each video, the number of viewers per video, likes, comments, shares, average watch time, and the full watch rate of the video.

  • For YouTube, the system will provide information on the total views of each video, likes, dislikes, comments, and video shares.


Step 1: Select "Team member."

Step 2: Choose "Add user."

Step 3: Enter the email.

Step 4: Press "Add user."

After adding, employees working on the SO9 account will be recorded in the system.

Last updated